Te Kotahitanga seeks to empower God’s people to understand our bi-cultural relationship and to explore and express their full identity in Christ through a Te Ao Maori lens.


Ko tā Te Kotahitanga, he whakamārama i te tūhonotanga o te Iwi Maori ki te Karaiti, a te Karaiti ki te Iwi Maori hoki.

I kī mai te Karaiti, “Koutou katoa ra, mea iti nei. Haere mai koutou, kei whakaroa. Tēnei a Ihu, nāna te ki, Haere mai ra ki a ahau.”

Ka nui tā rātou tautohe i tēnei pōhiri a te Karaiti ki a tatou. Ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa no hea koe, nau mai, whakatau mai. “He ira tangata, he ira Atua” I ahu mai tatou i te Atua. Ko tā mātou mahi, he tautoko, he manaaki, he arahi i te tangata. Haere mai, piki mai, whakatau mai.

Maybe you are curious about Te Ao Māori, or you want to understand your own Māori culture more and how that identity is part of a bigger God story. Everyone is welcome regardless of culture, regardless of where you are at in your journey with Christ, regardless of where you worship God. We explore difficult spaces and offer solutions. We know that the truth sets us free and seek that truth together as a whānau.

Haere mai, haere mai, whakatau mai ra

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We meet


Saturday (Monthly)

10:00am - 12.00pm